Feeling sick as hell but no underlying cause was found?
“It’s just in your head!”
…or is it?
- Are you frustrated after seeing many doctors and still having no answers or solutions? They have no clue, are even downplaying your symptoms, trying to persuade you that your health problems must be all just in your head?
- Are they telling you that there is nothing wrong with your test results, so you just need to rest a bit? That you are too young to be sick? You should just visit a psychologist or psychiatrist and try antidepressants?
- Are you dealing with diverse and puzzling symptoms, but nobody is able to connect the dots, yet you know there has to be more to it?
- You have a diagnosis but it seems as a dead end with more questions than answers?
I know it all too well!
Hi! My name is Matúš. I know very well what it means to be sick. I have spent several years battling severe health problems (spanning problematic diagnoses of ME/CFS, SIBO, IBS, POTS and more, which the medical practice doesn’t really have a clue how to deal with). These have have prevented me from living any kind of normal life. I was barely surviving, bedbound for a long time, experiencing debilitating symptoms with no end in sight. Yet I was not able to get any help from the standard medical system.
After my vast experience with the common healthcare system being useless and having even been dangerously mistreated, I had no other choice than to get better on my own. I have been forced to weed out all the information noise – and find out what is actually helpful. After a lot of research, effort, experiments and overcoming setbacks, I found and set myself on the right path. I managed to improve my health remarkably and bring myself back to life from the very pits of hell. I have acquired a wealth of knowledge about how our bodies actually work and how it is possible to get better, often in ways that most doctors sadly have still little clue about. With my healing journey still continuing, I strive to finally overcome my health problems for good and achieve the highest possible level of recovery.
For the last couple of years, I have spent endless hours reading medical literature, learning about and trying endless number of therapeutic methods, communicating with people having anything worthwhile to say about healing, searching for useful insights for people with similar conditions or ill health in general. All of that with the most pressing and unrelenting motivation – to finally feel better and heal myself. During all this struggle, my medical education background has been the foundation I have built upon further.
I am deeply interested in ways of true healing of our health – especially in connection to the incredibly important human gut microbiome, fixing gut dysbiosis and all the related topics. Seeing our health in the big picture. Understanding how symptoms can be actually solved, instead of just masking them without addressing the deeper causes.
And so that I don’t forget, however tragic I find the necessity to say that:
Your symptoms may absolutely not be all just in your head!
Everything is connected in our bodies. Our bodies and minds can’t be separated. Our physical health, especially gut health with all its microbes are the basis for our wellbeing and influence our mind. We are in fact a whole ecosystem. At the same time, it goes the other way around too, with our mind influencing our bodies. The dividing line is very thin.
Let’s get to a better understanding of our health and hopefully do away with all the “it’s just in your head” gaslighting when it’s not due and of the obsolete understanding of the everyday medical system!
Areas of my knowledge and interest
Fixing gut problems, correcting gut dysbiosis
I know how stubborn the gut problems can be - as well as other symptoms that may be in fact arising from them. And however impossible it can sometimes seem, I know that these problems can often be helped. However, to achieve that, one has to get rid of all dubious, generic, ill-based or superficial approaches and ideas and focus on what has the true potential to make a meaningful change. I have both extensive personal experience and theoretical knowledge and can help with all important questions, including those related to probiotics and FMT (fecal microbiota transplant).
Understanding of interconnectedness within the human body
The pathological processes don't appear "just like that" and don't just happen in an isolated spot in our bodies. The mechanistic thinking, isolating pathological processes and seeing things out of context, which the common medical practice tends to be guilty of - should be a thing of the past.
The gut, skin, brain function, sleep quality, inflammation, mood, thought and behavioral patterns and much more - it's all related! All our organ systems - as well as our bodies and minds as such - are interconnected and can't be separated.
Our physical health, particularly the gut health and a healthy microbiome plays a key role in our wellbeing and influences our mental health. At the same time it goes the other way around too. Stress, traumas, ways of thinking can put our health in a vulnerable, compromised state.
Health and microbiome tests
I know how to make sense of all the countless diagnostic tests and their parameters. What is actually useful for healing and what just a waste of your money, time and energy? What do the parameters of microbiome analysis tests mean?
Supplements, herbs, vitamins
I have tried - so to speak - everything possible and even more. In my healing process I aquired an extensive knowledge about what, when, how, why (and if at all) to take. As well as what is and what is not reasonable to expect when it comes to various supplements.
Diet optimalization and individualization
Food shall be thy medicine. It's really as simple (or complicated?) as that! I am knowledgeable about various specific dietary approaches that can help heal the gut and in turn, potentially even other problems connected to it.
Innovative, forward-thinking and integrative healing methods
Trying to treat a person paying attention only to superficial manifestations of disease (and of dysbiosis) is at best a questionable, workaround solution, at worst a terrible mistake with dangerous consequences. I am eager about methods that bring new, better approaches to true healing, while getting rid of all the marketing hype, alternative quackery and of misleading ideas and false solutions that only mask the symptoms (or even lead to harm in the long run), as is often the case within the average, mainstream medicine.